Below we have outlined the most popular questions that we get asked by our clients. If you cannot find the answer below, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing [email protected] or calling us on 01775 767859

How much does it actually cost us?

£599+VAT or £899+VAT depending on the role, there are no extra or hidden fees.

What if I recruit 3 candidates?

This costs no more

Where do you advertise?

Your role will be on Jobsite, CV Library, Total Jobs, A sponsored ad on Indeed, UkStaff Search and up to 100 aggregated sites for the area.  This also includes industry specific sites

But surely that costs more than £599 as these sites are expensive?

Because of our long standing partnership with the job boards we can ensure your role is in the best places without breaking the bank.

Do you vet the candidates?

Yes, all candidates will go through a selection process tailored to your needs, this way we only send over high quality applicants and remove the time wasters.

How do you guarantee you will recruit as our location has a shortage of candidates

With recruitment for these roles we find the best way to source candidates is to have the role in the best possible places. It isn’t always possible for you to do this due to the high costs with individual job boards. Our service gives you the best possible exposure. We also have our own database and online CV databases to source more candidates from.

How does the Guarantee work?

We Guarantee that you will recruit at least one candidate. If you didn’t, (which is extremely rare) we would re-run your campaign free of charge again for a further 30 days

How quick can we expect candidates?

As soon as you sign up we will build your campaign and start contacting candidates. Usually you will receive the first candidates within 1-2 days.